
William C. Montales blog

I started my On-the-Job-Training at NISU  Lemery last March 14, 2022. Actually, it was my first time to go there not knowing that after having my orientation about the things that they do in their office, I can already start working. At first, I was really nervous because I don’t have any working experience and also, it’s a new environment for me because I have to deal with people who are a lot older than I am. I was really shy for the first few days of my OJT because I was still observing the people around me and I became very conscious especially on how I act and behave in front of them. But after a few days of being shy and aloof, I was already starting to share my ideas about things and I was already comfortable and confident whenever I’m with them. During the OJT May 2-3, 2022  I arrived at school at exactly 8:00 in the morning, the first thing I did we clean the Faculty Office, then I assists to the student  for  installling the xxamp. MAY 9- 10, 2022  No duty because

My own job training experiences

        Before anything else I would like to thank God for keeping me healthy and alive for I know He has plan for me. This is the first day of my On the Job Training. I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and prepared myself and everything I need and go to school at 6:50 in the morning. my co-trainess  and I are in a good mood because finally we're back in school and able to meet again with my friends, classmates and  especially  all of our  teachers         I arrived at school at exactly 8:00 in the morning. We’ve waited for Mr. Rene Arduo’s arrival. At 8:20 in the morning, Mr. Rene D. Arduo finally arrived and upon his arrival, he gives us a little orientation and after that he endorsed us in our respective offices to perform our On the Job Training. As soon as we arrived in IT faculty, together with my classmate, Randy Emoy, we cleaned the IT faculty. As the day continue, Mr. carlo intila asked me to seperate the QCE his important of rating document. He also taught me on